Thankful Sister Bows On The Road To Brother Who Quit School & Began Working So He Could Help Her Graduate

Thankful Sister Bows On The Road To Brother Who Quit School & Began Working So He Could Help Her Graduate

The ties between siblings can be one of the strongest relationships we ever have in our lives. For so many of us, our brothers and sisters, whom we grew up with and have known all our lives, are the ones we can rely on most. They are there for us in our darkest hours, help pull us up when our spirits are down and share in the joyous moments and milestones of our lives. They allow us to be who we really are and show vulnerability we wouldn’t otherwise have with others in our lives. And at their very best, they make the kind of sacrifices for us no other person would.

Such was the case between a young woman and her older brother in Thailand, who showed that their bond was certainly a case of unconditional love. On Dec. 2, 2022, TikTok user Ying Chanita posted videos of her graduation day from Rajabhat University in the southern Thai province of Nakhon Sri Thammarat. The graduate of the university’s Faculty of Public Administration was supposed to have picked up her scroll in 2018. However, her graduation ceremony had to be postponed due to the pandemic. But when the day finally rolled around, she made sure to have the people she loved and relied on most around her to celebrate the milestone together.

However, this celebration was made far more special due to the fact that the young woman was only able to graduate because her older brother had dropped out of school so that he could make enough money for her to continue pursuing her tertiary education. So during her convocation, she paid thanks and tribute to her brother’s sacrifice in the most heartwarming way.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂

In the first of two videos posted during the graduation ceremony, the woman was seen putting her graduation robes on her brother, taking great pains to ensure everything was in the right place. In her caption, she mentioned she was the first in her family to graduate. It was later reported in Thai media that she lived with her brother and her mother, who worked a low-wage job.

In the second video, which has since gone viral with more than 13 million views since it was uploaded, the young woman was seen making sure her graduation robes were placed perfectly on her brother. She then got down on the road on kneels before him before bowing to him with her head down on his foot. She placed her two palms together – a gesture known as the “wai” in Thailand, indicative of respect and recognition of seniority – directly in front of him. The gesture showed her deep respect and thanks to her brother, who then bent down to touch her on the top of her head in acknowledgment of her gesture of affection. In the caption of the video, she explained the situation, saying, “Thank you to this guy who sacrificed everything for his sister.” She also posted pictures on Facebook from the happy day, including one of her kissing her brother on the cheek.

The affection between the two siblings touched the hearts of millions on the internet, with the moment hitting an emotional nerve for many viewers. One individual captured the feelings perfectly by commenting:

“What a beautiful story. … I’m so jaded, but how rare to see young people showing appreciation like this, and so publicly, too. Kudos to the older brother for such a selfless act.”

What do you think of the brother’s decision to quit school so he could work to pay for his sister’s education? Do you share a strong bond with your siblings as well? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to friends and family you know will be touched by this sweet gesture.

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