Parents shocked after baby born beaming ear to ear – when doctors finally find out why, everyone falls silent

Parents shocked after baby born beaming ear to ear – when doctors finally find out why, everyone falls silent

Ayla Summer Mucha surprised her parents by greeting them with a wide smile that covered her small face when she was born in December 2021.

Despite the fact that the baby’s parents are not overly happy about her constant smile due to an extremely rare condition, they have fallen in love with Ayla, who is now a sensation on social media with fans all over the world who adore the adorable young girl with the warm smile.

Find out a lot more about this gorgeous infant by continuing to read!

Following a nine-month wait, Australian Cristina Vercher and her husband Blaize Mucha were overjoyed to finally meet their daughter, who made her grand debut on December 30, 2021.

However, the physicians informed the parents of some unexpected news at the section C birth.

Ayla Summer Mucha had developed a bilateral macrostomy, indicating that the baby’s mouth was not formed properly.

The deformity, often known as a facial cleft, is an uncommon disorder in which the mouth’s edges do not fuse together during pregnancy.

Actually, the deformity is so uncommon that, according to the National Library of Medicine, just 14 cases have been reported in medical literature.

Everyone is in disarray.

Ayla’s parents were completely taken aback by her large mouth opening, as ultrasonography scans did not reveal any abnormalities.

The 23-year-old mother explains that when Ayla was born for the first time, she and her 22-year-old father Blaize “were immédiatement préoccupés” because Ayla’s health was “évidente” due to her “petite size.”

“Blaize and I were unaware of this condition, and I had never met a newborn with macrostomia,” stated Adelaide’s Vercher. Therefore, it was a true choc.

It wasn’t just the parents who were taken aback. The doctors weren’t prepared to care for a baby who had a bilateral macrostomy either.

“Cela made the experience even more concerning because it took several hours for a doctor to respond to us.” This led to additional difficulties because the hospital lacked resources or support for such an uncommon disease. “Everything that I could think as a mother, that’s where I made a mistake,” she continued.

Nonetheless, the worried parents were reassured by the doctors that they were unable to intervene differently. Cristina harbored doubts about her potential error throughout her pregnancy or her “cause” of her daughter’s ailment.

“All that I could have as a mother, that’s where I might have made a mistake,” she avoua. However, following several days of genetic testing and scanning, they were assured that this matter was entirely outside of their control and that they were not accountable for it.

The Muchas were able to refocus their efforts on helping Ayla deal with her ailment, which also affects its functionality, such as latch and nursing.

This is the reason why parents are frequently persuaded to have their children undergo surgical surgery.

La family contente

The young couple decides to share Ayla’s story on social media after starting a mission to learn more about the disease. Her distinctive smile on TikTok garnered the likes of 6.5 million users.

The Muchas never would have imagined getting as much support as they did.

I just read on Google Docs that there are only 14 documented cases. She is very exceptional. “I’m a very happy mother,” a user wrote.

Regarding Ayla’s infectious mouth, another netizen comments, “Elle est magnifique et tout simplement parfaite telle qu’elle est.” She has also made me smile.

Concurrently, a few trolls who were torturing the poor child were swiftly killed by Ayla’s devoted followers.

“Your child is truly amazing; please don’t listen to these annoying people.” “She is a goddess,” says one. Oh my love. You are really cute! “Ta petite douceur est simplement trop douce, ignore toutes ces mots blessantes,” exclaimed another.

“You’re a strong woman with a beautiful daughter; I’m sorry to see these thoughtless remarks,” says a third.

Vercher responded to the taunts directed at her cute baby by saying, “I simply advise you to show kindness and acceptance toward everyone.”

She added that scenarios “such as those-ci” may actually happen to someone and that people would treat you or your children with the same respect if such events occurred in your life. Social media is a divided space. Unfortunately, controlling autrui personalities is not possible.

Vercher continues, “We won’t stop sharing our experiences and favorite memories because we are very passionate,” based on the encouraging remarks and support.

Although it is unconfirmed, it appears that Ayla, who recently celebrated her second birthday, was successful in undergoing surgery to correct her enlarged mouth. The young girl had virtually no scarring from the treatment when she became big sister to her baby brother Sonny in November 2023.

We are thrilled that the Muchas have not been affected by the online hate and have continued to share pictures and videos of the adorable little Ayla.

What are your thoughts on this amazing family? Discuss your thoughts with us and then tell us this story so that we can hear other people’s viewpoints!