Late Police Officer’s Teen Daughter Surprised By His Old Colleagues There To Take Her To Prom

Late Police Officer’s Teen Daughter Surprised By His Old Colleagues There To Take Her To Prom

The jobs of police officers and first responders can certainly be dangerous. People who work in these fields go into difficult situations on a daily basis and they take it all in stride, knowing that it is part of their job.

While we all know how dangerous their jobs are, many of us never think about their families. They have significant others and children that worry about them on a consistent basis. It must be hard to know that your loved one is going out into dangerous situations and risking it all for complete strangers.

While these workers have the support of their colleagues, sometimes they aren’t there to help. That was sadly the case for one police officer who lost his life on the job in December 2014.

Officer Charlie Kondak was a beloved family man and was respected by his entire community. He was 45 years old when he was shot and killed after responding to a call that he thought would be a simple task to handle. His family was affected when they lost their loved one during what was supposed to be a routine call.

Officer Kondak left behind a loving wife and six children. Needless to say, they were heartbroken when he was shot. It seemed to be a senseless act of violence in a community that was usually safe. Officer Kondak and his family lived in Tarpon Springs, Florida.

But as well as leaving behind his family, Officer Kondak also left behind his colleagues on the force. Two years later, the two came together when the late officer’s police colleagues showed up to take his teenage daughter to her prom.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂


When Officer Kondak died in the line of duty, the entire community was utterly shocked and horrified after hearing he was shot in December 2014. But while the story of his passing left the news, it never left the hearts of his family and old colleagues.

So when the time came for Officer Kondak’s daughter, Aleena, to go to her prom in 2016, it was difficult for the teenager, as she always dreamed of her father seeing her go to prom as she grew up. Aleena couldn’t help but feel sad that the dad she loved so much wouldn’t get to see her all dressed up in her sparkly dress on a night that’s important to so many teens. If only he could have been there to take pictures with her and make sure that her date would deliver her safely back home not too late in the evening.

In a heartwarming turn of events, the local police officers — Officer Kondak’s old colleagues — knew how much the moment meant to Aleena so they wanted to give her an incredible prom surprise, according to FOX 13. Aleena’s mom, Teresa, saw her daughter’s sadness and came up with a genius secret plan to make the prom night special.

When Aleena stepped off of the bus to attend prom she was shocked to see a line of her father’s fellow officers from the Tarpon Springs Police Department surprise her. She was moved to tears by the outpouring of support for both her and her father’s service.

Although Officer Kondak might not have been there in person, he was certainly there in spirit, as Aleena got her special photo with her late father’s old colleagues.

What do you think of this heartwarming story? All of these officers took the time and made the effort to make Aleena’s night extra special. Pass this incredibly touching story along to anyone you know who would love to hear about these officers going above and beyond for one special young lady!

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