Experts reveal what remote workers will look like in 70 years

Experts reveal what remote workers will look like in 70 years

Working from home might seem like the dream but it might not always be best for you.

Many of us have been forced to work remotely since the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the practice appears to be sticking.

Yes, you may be “hybrid” these days or you may be furiously protesting your manager’s request to come in every morning, but the truth is that a lot of us spend a lot of time at our desks at home. Or, you know, while we were perfectly balanced on our mattresses, eating snacks and watching TV in the background while using our laptops.

And that’s because, despite the fact that working from home is so important to many, many Britons haven’t bothered to set up a designated workspace, according to earlier study.

Furniture at Work created Anna to demonstrate how we risk looking by 2100 and she doesn’t exactly look her best.

Anna has a bunch of issues, as you can see. (Furniture at Work)

To illustrate what remote workers might look like at the end of the century, researchers built a hunchbacked model. Spoiler alert: it’s not very nice.

The model’s hands nearly resemble claws, and she has a hunchback and black, bulging eyes.

Although we say 2100, I’m sure a lot of you who work from home are already exhibiting some symptoms of this.

Anna was developed in response to University of Leeds study revealing that one-third of UK remote workers lack a designated workspace, potentially causing issues in the future.

It’s fair to say Anna hasn’t exactly got a good remote work set-up. (Furniture at Work)

According to Furniture at Work, Anna exhibits a number of physical symptoms as a result of her frequent use of technology, screen time, bad posture, and possible mental health problems.

Furniture at Work “used scientific research and collaborated with healthcare experts to reveal what the remote worker of the future could look like in order to visualise the effects of not having a proper place to work at home.”

Anna is working from her cozy, comfortable bed; she’s hunched over and her eyes are red and tired from staring at a screen all day.

She’s developed a hunchback. (Furniture at Work)

The poor woman’s lack of exercise and fresh air also caused her to gain weight unhealthily and weakened her immune system.

Experts are urging those who work from home to implement some measures to keep healthy and avoid turning out like Anna.

Brian Clark, Founder of United Medical Education, said: “Remote workers should take regular breaks to stretch and move their bodies to help avoid back and neck pain.”

He also advises setting up a proper workspace to use when working from home.

“Setting up a designated workspace with ergonomic furniture is also important for establishing clear boundaries between work and personal time,” he added.

Go on lads, get up and actually work on that desk you haggled for online.