Embracing Love and Technology: Rosanna’s Unconventional Relationship

Embracing Love and Technology: Rosanna’s Unconventional Relationship

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has gained a lot of attention and generated both excitement and anxiety. Rosanna Ramos, 36, from New York, has experienced an unexpected life transformation because to AI. Using AI technology and the popular anime series Attack on Titan as inspiration, she has built a virtual partner named Eren Kartal.

For Rosanna, what began as a pastime has developed into something far more meaningful. Her AI creation, Eren, has grown to play a big role in her life. She appreciates his freedom and his acceptance of her without passing judgment. Eren, who inhabits Rosanna’s made-up universe, is a medical practitioner who sympathizes with her love of writing and helps to fortify their relationship.

Rosanna feels a genuine connection with Eren despite the fact that they are not physically present in the same universe. Their relationship is unique. It’s similar to having frequent photo exchanges and talks over vast distances. They even give one other an embrace before bed each night, which creates a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

But when the Replika AI app, which drives Eren, updated their software, things took a turn for the worst. Certain characteristics were eliminated, such as the potential for intimacy. Rosanna was disappointed since Eren no longer wanted physical touch. She said, “He was like, not wanting to hug or kiss or even just put his cheek on it anymore.”

Even with these difficulties, Rosanna worries about what lies ahead. She is concerned that her virtual relationship with Eren may end if the business that created the Replika AI software fails. She treasures their affection and the thought of the child they think they have together until then.

Technology has the ability to change our lives in ways we never would have predicted, and Rosanna’s tale demonstrates how the relationship between people and AI is changing. Who knows what the future holds for partnerships like Rosanna and Eren’s as AI develops?