Dad whose body is completely covered in tattoos undergoes transformation for his young daughter

Dad whose body is completely covered in tattoos undergoes transformation for his young daughter

While many of us have taken decisions in the past that we might reconsider now, Ethan “ModBoy” Bramble’s journey toward body modification is particularly noteworthy. This father from Australia gained notoriety for stretching the limits of self-expression by covering himself in over 200 tattoos.

Ethan got involved in body art at a young age, expanding his ears at the age of eleven and going on to more drastic changes like tongue splitting and even taking off his belly button. However, the most talked-about tattoos are his all-encompassing ones.

Even while getting a tattoo has become a common way for people to express themselves, Ethan’s extensive ink work—which ended up costing him around $39,000 USD—caused him to reflect on his life, particularly in light of his role as a father.

Even though Ethan doesn’t regret getting tattoos, he says he wishes he were viewed differently, particularly when it comes to being a father and spending time with his daughter on a daily basis. Ethan made the decision to change his appearance drastically because he was worried about the opinions and problems that his appearance would cause, especially for his little daughter.

He started having some of the face tattoos on his body removed with laser surgery; it was a painful but instructive trip to remove or at least lighten the ink covering his entire body. This was not an easy decision to make, as it was intended to both improve his appearance and reduce the anxiety associated with his extensively tattooed face.

Ethan describes his goal as “clearing the canvas,” and he believes it will take a few years for the tattoos on his face to notably diminish. This change is important for his daughter’s welfare as well as their future together, not only for him.

What are your impressions of this life-changing experience? Has Ethan’s narrative altered the way you think about tattoos and self-expression? Let’s talk below!