Wife Jokes She’s The ‘Spare Human’ When It Comes To Rescue Pup’s Bond With Her Husband

Wife Jokes She’s The ‘Spare Human’ When It Comes To Rescue Pup’s Bond With Her Husband

Dogs have long been recognized as man’s best friend. A favorite pet and addition to a lot of families, puppies make great companions and add plenty of love and slobbery kisses to your life.

One animal-loving family realized that rescuing a young German shepherd was just the antidote they needed after losing their previous dog. In a July 2022 Instagram post, dog mom, Laura, showed how their recently adopted pup had bonded so sweetly with her husband, despite the shelter’s warning that the large animal might not do well with other pets and might have aggression issues.

In a now-viral Instagram reel, Laura wrote, “To love a rescue dog bigger than many humans and to have him love you 10x as much, such a beautiful bond.” She had noticed that not only was their shelter dog settling nicely into his new forever home, but he was particularly trusting of her husband. The large pup would curl up, laying next to the man, as if the two weren’t comparable in size. Laura’s husband happily accepted all his four-legged friends’ kisses and cuddles even though he knew they left his wife feeling a little left out.

Jokingly, Laura wrote in the video’s caption, “Mom just wishes she had a tenth of this love from Rusty but I’m banished to spare human, third wheel status so I can relate with the 🤮 emoji.”

She later spoke to GeoBeats Animals, telling the story of how her little family ended up adopting the big love bug. She told her interviewer, “Rusty coming into our lives was just really amazing.” Although she also, echoing her IG comments, added with a laugh, “I just wish Rusty would love me just a fraction of as much as he loves my husband.”
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂

Audiences everywhere have fallen in love with the large dogs’ lapdog tendencies. The German shepherd seemingly climbs into his owner’s arms as if he’s not man-sized himself. Laura noticed how snuggly their newest addition was as soon as they brought him home. She began filming the two cuddling, delighting dog lovers who, like her, voiced their jealousy over the affectionate giant. Over an Instagram video of the large lovable pup, Laura could be heard complaining teasingly, “It’s not normal,” while filming the snuggle puddle between her husband and their rescue, Rusty.

As much as the dog was ready to be welcomed into a loving home, Laura admitted that she and her husband had been equally ready for another dog when Rusty crossed their path. “We probably needed him as much as he needed us,” she said. “At the time we had recently lost our German shepherd.”

Little did she know, Rusty was already waiting. Laura then described how the dog was brought to their attention. “One of the local dog lovers, she volunteers at the shelter and she sent us Rusty’s picture. He was at Miami-Dade Animal Services. He had these floppy ears that went out to the side. Our last German shepherd had floppy ears too,” she recalled.

She added, how surprisingly, “on Rusty’s cage was all this red writing. ‘Not good with other dogs.'” But Laura knew the pup deserved a chance. “When we saw that picture we just knew we had to adopt him.”

We wish them a lifetime of more snuggles.

Do you have a similar story of your rescue pet? Let us know — and be sure to pass this article on to friends, family, as well as any fellow German shepherd lovers!

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