Dog Found Tied Up In Lancashire Church With Touching Note By Its Former Owner

Dog Found Tied Up In Lancashire Church With Touching Note By Its Former Owner

When people hear about pets being abandoned at animal shelters, they’re often quick to criticize the families that would seemingly ditch their furry companions so heartlessly. After all, the world is full of horrible news stories about despicable people abandoning the loving pets that they were too lazy to properly care for and nurture.

However, you might think twice about how you view these families after hearing about this story. While some people surely do abandon their pets out of sheer laziness and negligence, sometimes the choice to let go isn’t so simple.

On the eighth of December, a dog was found abandoned in a church in the United Kingdom. As The Citizen newspaper reports, he was tied securely and didn’t look neglected or abused. Those who found the pooch quickly discovered a heartbreaking note that revealed that the dog was a beloved companion, but that the owner was simply too poor to continue to care for him and to give him the life he deserved.

The devastating note revealed that the owner’s life had “taken a turn,” presumably for the worse. He outlined how he’d lost his home, job and money. He knew he would be hungry, cold and living on the streets. In an act of selflessness, he knew that he couldn’t force his dog to endure the same unhappy existence. “Please believe me when I say I haven’t done this easily. I’ve no home or money now for him,” the note read, as reported by The Citizen newspaper.

The owner closed the note by outlining the dog’s minor medical issues, revealing the fact that he had indeed been the type of loving owner who regularly took the pooch to the vet. He begged whoever found the dog to ensure that it had a happy life and a loving home.

Animal welfare workers quickly took the dog in and gave it the medical care and safe temporary housing it deserved. The note didn’t provide the dog’s name, but shelter workers have taken to calling the loving dog Cracker.
Typically when a dog is found abandoned, shelter workers quickly get to work on attempts to place the animal with a new home. However, authorities have decided to hold off on the adoption process. Instead, they’re reaching out to the local press in an attempt to spread the message that Cracker is safe in the shelter and that they would like to try to get him back to his owner, with the promise that assistance will be provided to both of them.

“If anyone does come forward then I’d like to let them know that they won’t be in any trouble,” Will Lamping, an official of the local animal authority, told The Citizen newspaper, attempting to send a clear message to the owner. “We’d like to chat to them and see how we might be able to help.”
Cracker was found at a church after his owner hit hard times. 💔
But he’s not alone – The RSPCA say it had an increase in calls over abandoned pets this December..
Please show this story to as many people as possible. Somewhere out there is Cracker’s owner and they deserve to be reunited with Cracker and to get the help they need.


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