11-Year-Old Boy With Autism Achieves Higher IQ Score Than Einstein And Hawking

11-Year-Old Boy With Autism Achieves Higher IQ Score Than Einstein And Hawking

Children are inherently bright individuals, probably smarter than most adults in some cases. But for 11-year-old Kevin Sweeney from Britain, he might have defied odds nobody his age could have done easily!

Kevin Sweeney was diagnosed with autism when he was born. Having children on the autism spectrum can pose a huge challenge to some families, especially those who are uninformed about how to live through it.

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with It often correlate to having problems with social communication and interaction and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention.

While nothing much is really known about Kevin’s actual condition, it has been noted by his parents that he is exceptionally gifted after securing a higher IQ score than great scientists like Albert Einstein and even Stephen Hawking.

Psych Central notes that autism and giftedness can go hand in hand. It also shares some qualities, like intellectual excitability and sensory differences. Some kids have these qualities because they’re both gifted and autistic.

To test out his capabilities, Kevin took his IQ test at the Quaker Meeting House in Edinburgh, Scotland, on July 16, 2022. Times Now reported that he was the only child who had taken the test on that day. To his parents, the results of their genius kid were something they had anticipated, as they had seen him memorize the periodic table at 6 years old. For others, the outcome might be surprising!
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Kevin Sweeney’s father, Eddie, told Times Now News about his son’s thrilling experience at the test center in Edinburgh, where he took an IQ test to determine his intellectual quotient (IQ). For context, IQ is the total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence.

“He got the maximum score for someone his age. There were no other children at the test it was all adults. We thought he might get overwhelmed being with all adults, but he was just chatting away to everyone saying ‘Hi, I’m Kevin’,” he said to the publication.
Apparently, Kevin scored 162 on his IQ test. For comparison, Stephen Hawking’s IQ was only 160, making him two points higher than the scientist who supported the Theory of Everything.

As for Albert Einstein, the great mind did not actually take an IQ test before his passing, but it was widely assumed in the scientific community that he was also at 160.

Upon receiving the news, Kevin was said to have been running around the garden, gleeful with the results of his IQ test. Eddie realized that it meant much more to his child than they imagined.

“We hope this is a great boost for him. Life has its challenges for Kevin, and we really want to help maximize his potential and give him every opportunity in life,” Eddie continued.

Because of this, Kevin was invited to join Mensa, the prestigious high-IQ society and non-profit organization open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on an IQ test.

Compliments on Kevin’s extraordinary feat have poured over social media, mostly reminding him to follow his passions.

“Do great changes to this world, kid. Sky is the limit for you. Keep your passions tight,” a user tweeted.

What can you say about Kevin Sweeney’s high IQ score? Do you think he is as smart as Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking? Let us know, and make sure to pass this article on to your family and friends too!
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