Couple Says It’s Okay Their 7-Year-Old’s In Relationship With Ghost Who Haunts Their Home

Ghosts are one of those things that some people believe in and some don’t. That being said, would it bother you if your child spoke to a ghost? One family says that their house is haunted and that their daughter has become friends with one of the spirits in their home. Todd and Marissa are paranormal investigators in New Bedford, Massachusetts, and their daughter Julia is 7-years-old.

Julia began to share with her parents that she was hearing knocking on her wall at night shortly after they moved into a two-story building that used to be a schoolhouse. Marissa also said that she heard whispering in the bathroom when no one else was around. These instances drove the family to investigate their own home for hauntings.

Julia is no stranger to the paranormal despite only being 7. She has been going on investigations with her parents since they first began. The family explained that they got into the paranormal investigating business after they moved into an apartment that was haunted by what they believed to be demons.

Todd said he would wake up paralyzed in the night and would see a terrifying creature lurking in the corner of the room. This moved the parents to investigate for themselves since they weren’t sure of any other resources for their problem. The family fell in love with ghost hunting, and they posted videos of their adventures together on Youtube.

Todd and Marissa encourage Julia to speak with a ghost in their house named Angie, and they even think that Angie is able to protect their daughter from other negative spirits that haunt their home. Keep reading to find out more.

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In an interview with Truly, Todd shared some of what they experienced in their first haunted apartment. “We would see apparitions and shadow figures, things would be thrown and we would hear voices,” he said in the video.

After moving into their new home, the family began to experience more paranormal activity. Todd explained, “Marissa said she heard somebody whisper to her in the bathroom and Julie said she heard something knocking on her wall.”

All of these small instances caused the family to search their own house for the paranormal. “We decided to investigate our new home and we have a known spirit here named Angie, she’s become part of our family, she’s the roommate you can’t see. We talk to her quite a bit,” Todd shared.

Todd added that he thinks there is another spirit in the house as well, but it is negative and potentially dangerous. He said, “We believe that Angie watches over Julia especially due to the fact that she’s a mom.” Todd and Marissa encourage Julia’s friendship with Angie because they believe the spirit used to be a mother and has protective tendencies.

The parents did not want to hide their paranormal experiences from their daughter. Marissa said, “When I grew up my parents told me it was fake, but I won’t do that. I tell my daughter the truth, I want her to know about it.”

On the couple’s website, they discuss their investigative research group, Relatively Paranormal. The description reads:

“Relatively Paranormal is a research group focusing on helping the people both alive and dead that are involved in a haunting. The group is made up of Todd Sylvia (Parapsychologist/Investigator), Marissa Weiner (Sensitive / Investigator), and family friend, Brandon Soto (Sensitive / Investigator). Todd and Marissa are partners in life and the paranormal. ”

The website also goes into detail on how the couple got started:

“…the real journey began in 2009. That’s the year Todd & Marissa moved into an extremely haunted house in Fall River, MA… This actually became an obsession as they read every book and watched every documentary/docuseries they could find on the subject…The group offers professional investigations of any home or business free of charge. The goal is to help both the living & dead people at the location.”

Relatively Paranormal also stated their goals on their homepage:

“1. To carry out our research in an effort to solve the mysteries surrounding the afterlife, paranormal activity, and hauntings.

2. Proving the existence of ghosts to the world through our evidence.

3. Helping people like ourselves dealing with paranormal activity by: letting them know help is available, educating them on the paranormal and how to deal with it, providing investigations validating what they are experiencing, and cleansing homes of anything negative or demonic.

4. Giving the dead a voice to tell their stories. Eventually finding a way to move them on to the light.”

Regarding the spirits in their own home, the website discusses how the couple “unknowingly moved” their family into the haunted house that was a former schoolhouse. However, the family views the experience as one that just adds to their expertise.

What do you think of this story? Do you believe in ghosts? Let us know your thoughts and pass this along to your friends and family.

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