10 Plants That Will Help Attract Dragonflies To Your Garden

10 Plants That Will Help Attract Dragonflies To Your Garden

Dragonflies are one of nature’s most wonderful, beautiful, and mysterious insects. You probably see the odd dragonfly buzzing around your garden and let it continue on its way. However, did you know that these pretty bugs are also excellent for keeping mosquito populations under control? Not only do they eat adult mosquitoes, but they eat mosquito larvae, too. In fact, dragonflies are considered one of the most effective natural predators of mosquitoes and can help to control mosquito populations in your yard or garden. There are a few reasons why dragonflies are so effective at controlling mosquitoes. First, they have excellent vision and are able to track and catch flying insects in mid-air. Second, they are very agile and can change direction quickly, allowing them to chase and catch their prey with ease. And third, they are known to be territorial and will defend their territory against other dragonflies, which means that they will actively hunt mosquitoes and other flying insects in their area.
If you are interested in using dragonflies to keep mosquitoes away from your outdoor spaces, there are a few things you can do to encourage these helpful insects to take up residence in your yard or garden: