Owner Tells Dog He Bought A Kitten And The Internet Is Obsessed With Dog’s Comeback

Owner Tells Dog He Bought A Kitten And The Internet Is Obsessed With Dog’s Comeback

Most dog owners would love the chance to have a chat with their canine companions. They are some of the best friends a human can have and share a good deal of our lives. Despite their lack of verbal communication ability, dogs are often the ones hearing their owners’ deepest thoughts and emotions.

Although we might not be able to talk with our beloved four-legged friends, there are many other ways that we can understand each other. One way is by them understanding verbal cues. For example, when we tell a dog to sit or call their name, they certainly seem to understand. Another way we can communicate is through body language. Dogs absolutely love scratches — and likewise, they love to cuddle up to their human, making them feel loved in return.

But despite these wonderful ways of communication, many dog owners dream of being able to share a few words with their pets nonetheless. So in a funny clip from 2014, one dog owner dubbed a conversation he had with his dog and the end result was a fun little gem guaranteed to make you laugh. Not only did he nail the dubbing to perfectly fit the dog’s mouth movements, but the dog’s “voice” even matches his personality.

The video was released by Best Friend Services, a company that specializes in pet urns. They surely know just how much our pets mean to us, which is what makes this video both heartfelt and hilarious. If you’re interested in what this adorable dog had to say, then keep on reading.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂

For just a moment, imagine a world in which you could talk to your dog and the dog would talk back, making a complete conversation. It would be a place where you and your best friend could become even closer.

Although that dream is pretty far-fetched, it’s not uncommon for dog owners to think about the conversations they’d have with their dogs, or at least what they’d say to them if the dog could understand human speech. Perhaps they’d tell their pet how much they love them, or why they have to leave them to go to work each day, and even give them a gentle warning when a trip to the vet is imminent. At least then we could say, “You might not like these trips, but they’re for your own health.” A lot would be solved if we could just talk to our dogs and they’d understand us.

However, a study from 2016 has found that dogs may use their brains to understand words in a similar way to humans. The world-first experiment taught a group of 13 dogs to voluntarily lie in an MRI machine so that researchers could monitor their brains as they spoke to them. What they found was that the dogs processed language very similar to humans, with the left side handling emotion and the right processing meaning. When both sides of the brain understood that what was being said was praise towards them, the dog ended up being very happy. This finding contradicts the notion that canines only understand tone of voice and don’t know a word’s actual meaning. The study is a big next step in understanding how canines interpret human speech.

While further research into this won’t enable dogs to be able to talk to us, it can have positive effects on the communication and cooperation between humans and canines, making our relationship even stronger. And who wouldn’t want that!
Of course, dogs don’t talk. But they do communicate with us nonetheless. They use facial expressions, body movements and any number of sounds to get their point across. Each dog is unique in this way, both because different breeds tend towards certain sounds and movements, but also because each dog has its own personality.

That’s what makes this video from 2014 even funnier — not only did the owner give his dog a voice, but he also gave the dog a complete personality! This dog’s personality is upbeat and a little naive — he has tons of energy and a voice that matches him perfectly as he was given a dopey accent, which only adds to the cuteness.

As the owner talks to the dog and the dog “talks” back, a story unfolds. It seems that the owner had promised the dog that he’d adopt a kitten for the household. Although cats and dogs sometimes don’t get along, this canine seemed more than ecstatic that it would be getting a feline sibling. But it’s the way the owner strings the dog along with the story that makes it entertaining — moments go by and along with the dog, even we’re left wondering if the owner followed through on his promise to adopt a kitten. The promise of a new family member is all too exciting but like the dog, we want to know whether that is actually

Eventually, the owner reveals that he did in fact pick up a cat, to the dog’s utter delight. Who knew that a one-and-a-half minute video about a made-up conversation with a dog could be so entertaining? It would be very interesting to find out what actually happens in a dog’s brain. This doggie daddy was curious about it as well. Instead of just sitting there wondering though, he created the conversation for them both.

He even took it a step further by videoing his dog and dubbing the footage with a full voice-over. It will have you laughing out loud, and it’s easy to see why this video has gone viral. Up until now, it’s been viewed over 5 million times!

Although it’s impossible not to smile at this video, there are some people in the comments who feel “shorted,” but that has more to do with not getting a glimpse of the cute kitten than anything else. One user wrote,

“I feel shorted. Where is the cat? Where is the meeting? Where is the rest of this cuteness?”

Another viewer added,

“This is absolutely adorable! Kudos to this precious dog and his person!”

We wholeheartedly agree — thank you to this dog owner for trying something out that day and making a video that has gone on to lift the hearts of people all over the world. Even if we can’t actually communicate with dogs, we can at least pretend to. This video is a wonderful reminder of why canines are truly man’s best friend.

How do you talk to your pets? What kind of personality do you think they have? If this made your day, then be sure to pass it on to the animal lovers in your life so they can have a laugh too.


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